What we need:

1.) We need to have secure elections! You need to know that your vote counts. We need Voter ID and only US Citizens should be able to vote. Officials involved in cheating need to be charged to the fullest extent of the law.

2.) No new taxes and no tax increases. Repeal the 1% personal property tax.

3.) Mass deportation of illegals that have come to the United States since Biden has taken office. NGOs that brought the illegals over need to be defunded. Illegals, sex trafficking of minors, and fentanyl have poured across our border. Border security is a must as it affects every state. Criminals need to be charged and tried.

4.) More police officers and more respect for the law!! Our police departments need to be fully funded and staffed. Staffing needs to be brought up to the level they were before 2020.

5.) We need to re-examine the curriculum used in schools. We need patriotic curriculum and maybe a work-study program for the students in high school in order to decrease the drop out rate.

6.) We need to scrutinize the budget for the libraries. We need to defund all Drag Queen Story Hours.

What I want to accomplish:

1.) Fix our property tax assessments!! The tax assessments are ridiculously high. They need to be fixed immediately.

2.) Kansas City should never be a sanctuary city. If I am elected, I will never vote for Kansas City to become a sanctuary city or for Missouri to be a sanctuary state.

3.) If I am elected, I will vote to defund Drag Queen Story Hour in our public libraries. We need to audit public libraries and reassess funding. With the invention of smart phones, information is available at everyone’s fingertips. Libraries may become a thing of the past and may not need the funding like they used to have.

4.) If I am elected, I will introduce legislation to clearly define a man is one born with XY chromosomes and a woman XX chromosomes. It’s science. I will also introduce legislation to ban the use of the word “gender.” The word “sex” was used before and we will return to that again. I will also introduce legislation banning minors from receiving “gender affirming surgeries.” There haven’t been any long term studies done on the affects of the use of hormones on transsexuals.

5.) I support defunding the national Department of Education. Education should be turned over to each state. I believe Hickman Mills needs a higher graduation rate. Maybe changing the curriculum would be the answer. I’d like to see if Hickman Mills could have a STEAM program and/or a work study program. If I’m elected, I will introduce legislation to fund those programs. I also believe students need to be held back if they earn straight “F”s and not passed on to the next grade. I believe they’ll take their education seriously when they see that we do. Patriotic curriculum and cursive needs to be taught in every school.

6.) A whistleblower from Health and Human Services said that the government was involved in child sex trafficking!! The government has proven it is incompetent in handling foster care and adoptions. If I am elected, I will introduce legislation to defund the governments control of the foster care system. Adoption and foster care should be administered locally through area churches. The governments only purpose should be to run background checks. Back in the day, churches ran orphanages. That’s was standard practice until the government took it over. We need to get our church members ready to take in foster kids. Our youth are so important to the future of our country. And as we work to shrink the size of government, our tax burden should decrease.

7.) We need our law enforcement officers. If I am elected, I will make sure we have enough police officers for our area. We have to fight crime and put criminals behind bars. It’s the only way to keep our community safe.

8.) If I’m elected, I will co sponsor legislation to renovate the Best Host Inn Plaza to make it an apartment building for our homeless vets. It’s in District 36. Our precious vets have valiantly served our country and need to be treated with appreciation and respect. No veteran should ever be homeless.

9.)  Red Bridge Road, from the Red Bridge Shopping Center to Blue Ridge Road needs gravel on either side. In some places, the drop off is so bad, it could cause serious damage to cars if they veered off the road.

Missouri is the “Show Me” state. If we can shrink the size of government in our county and our state, and other states will come to us and say., “Show Me how you did that!” With the money that the government would be saving in foster care, for example, the government could give its citizens a tax break. The government wouldn’t need the money for foster care if it is no longer providing that service. Missouri could lead the nation in shrinking the size of government by giving back churches what belongs to them in the first place: Foster care, adoption, and taking care of the poor and indigent. With the money that Missourians would get from tax cuts, they could support their local churches for providing this services. It would be a win-win for everyone. The time is now and we need to start somewhere.

Remember to Vote Nov 5!!

Don’t forget that I am a WRITE IN candidate!! It’s an uphill challenge for me. But we do things—-not because they are easy—-but because they are hard!!

I would be so greatly humbled to be able to serve you!! Together we can make it happen and make a difference.

After you vote Nov 5th : Please text “I voted for you!!” to (913)717-9497   We’ll do our own unofficial vote count.

